Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Dennis Cooper posted a game of sorts, where you try to guess a book based on its Amazon.com "Statistically Impossible Phrases" - aka phrases that are unique (more or less) to the book. But it's fun to just read them, because it's like revisiting old friends without rereading the entire book. And each phrase signifies a concept that's vital to the book, and the meaning behind it.

The Infinite Jest ones are pretty amazing: medical attaché, annular fusion, entertainment cartridge, improbably deformed, howling fantods, feral hamsters, dawn drills, tough nun, professional conversationalist, new bong, ceiling bulged, metro boston, tennis academy, red leather coat, soupe aux pois, red beanie, addicted man, magnetic video, littler kids, little rotter, technical interview, police lock, oral narcotics, sober time, veiled girl.

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